Best-Ballroom American Smooth Waltz

3/4 Time Signature
Danced at 30 Bars / Minute (90 Beats / Minute)

Syllabus Figures


Bronze I
1. Box Step
2. Box Step with Under Arm Turn
3. Progressive Changes
4. Left Turning Box
5. Right Turning Box

Bronze II
6. Balance Steps
7. Balance and Box
8. Open Breaks
9. Face to Face & Back to Back
10. Two Way Under Arm Turn

Bronze III
11. Simple Twinke
12. Grapevine
13. Progressive Chasse
14. Progressive Twinkles
15. Turning Twinkles

Bronze IV
16. Reverse Turn
17. Reverse Turn with Under Arm Turn
18. Natural Turn
19. Natural Turn with Under Arm Turn
20. Twinkle and Weave
21. Waterfall

Additional Figure
22. Fallaway and Box
Silver I
1. Open Left Box
2. Open Left Box with Under Arm Turn
3. Open Right Turn
4. Open Right Turn with Syncopated Under Arm Turn
5. Twinkle Connection

Silver II
6. Check and Develop
7. Flip Flops
8. Progressive Twinkles
9. Hairpin from Open Left Box
10. Fallaway and Weave

Silver III
11. Shadow Progressive Twinkles
12. Oversway
13. Check to Open Fallaway
14. Alternating Under Arm Turns
15. Pivots from Promenade

Silver IV
16. Shadow Right Turns
17. Grapevine to Shadow

Additional Figure
18. Chair and Slip Pivot
Gold 1
1. Shadow Switching Spirals
2. Hinge to Shadow
3. Shadow Running Telemark
4. Syncopated Pivots
5. Left Side Grapevine & Spiral

Gold 2
6. Contra Check & Ronde
7a. Standing Spin
7b. Standing Spin Alternative Ending
8. Wrap Around & Hairpin
9. Overturned Shadow Right Turns
10. Develop & Double Ronde