Radbourne Rumba - Summary Script

Radbourne Rumba

Arranged by Stuart Perry & Beverly Howard (Sept 2018)

Script Summary for those who attended our Sequence Class on Sunday 7th October.

Commence in Shadow Hold, Lady Slightly to Mans Right Side and Facing the Line of Dance. Mans Right Hand on Lady's Back, Left Hand Holding the Lady's Left Wrist.

Man and Lady Dance on the same foot for Bars 1 - 4 and 13 - 16.

Bar 1 - LF Fwd Check, Replace and Side (Check Diagonal to Wall)

Bar 2 - Spot Turn to Left (Releasing Hold)

Bar 3 - 3 Rumba Walks Fwd (In Shadow Hold)

Bar 4 - Cucaracha to Right (Closing RF to LF without weight (Man), with weight on RF (Lady))

Bar 5 - Back Basic finishing Fwd on Right Foot Facing Line of Dance (Man), 4-6 Hip Twist Lady (2 steps fwd LF & RF then 1/2 turn Left to face Man finish back on LF), Take Left to Right Hand Open Hold

Bar 6 - Open Basic

Bar 7 - Alemana Turn from Open Position

Bar 8 - Rope Spin (Lady finishes on Mans Left Side both facing the Line of Dance)

Bar 9 - Travelling Solo Turns (Man Turns Right, Lady Left to both finish backing the Line of Dance with Lady on Mans Right Side)

Bar 10 - 1 -3 Open Box to Change Places (Man moves rightwards in front of Lady, Lady moves Leftwards behind Man to finish on Mans Left Side, both facing against the Line of Dance)

Bar 11 - Back Zig Zag turning 1/2 a turn inwards to finish in Right Side Position facing the Line of Dance

Bar 12 - Cucaracha (Lady Closes RF to LF without Weight)

Bar 13 - Zig Zag Forwards and Leftwards with Ronde Ending on LF

Bar 14 - Back LF, Close RF to LF, Side LF

Bar 15 - Cuban Rock

Bar 16 - Spot Turn to Right (Point LF to Side without Weight)